T. Diamond {Print Interview} 2013

 T. Diamond is a rap artist out of Toledo, Ohio and has made quite a name for himself over the years. Check out the interview below and learn more about his journey!

-T.Diamond whats good bro how you livin?! 

Im Good fam cant complain 

-Where’d the name T.Diamond originate from? 

Lol I get dat alot, it’s a family nick name (Black Diamond) A reference to my skin complexion lol 

-At what age did you first start rapping? 

10… Like I free styled all my raps for like the first 4 years I thought that’s how the pro’s did it 

-What inspired you to start making music? 

I Always had a love for music, all kinds not just hip hop, but the expression of writing is what inspired me

-How was life for you growing up in the TOL? 

“Dope boys down the block, gang bangers up the street, in the middle of all of that, I Prayed ,smiled and carried heat”

-How did ‘Boom Click’ come about and who all is it made up of? 

BoomClick is Family, me and Yung Chuck been coo since 10 and Thee Untouchable been my right hand since birth, so I guess we always been together just decided to put a name on it. But BoomClick is a movement in Toledo thats bigger then just the rappers, Like it’s in the streets heavy here. If you doing anything successful you “boomin”.

-If you could collab with any artist in the industry who would it be and why?

Joey BadA$$ and Kendrick Lamar, Just cuz there the most lyrical right now.

-How do you feel about the music scene in Toledo? 

It’s starting to Pop again! 

– Top 5 Dead Or Alive…?

lol Let’s goo.. umm Juelz Santana, Jay-z, Eminem, Andre 3k and Tupac

-What high school did you attend in the 419? 

In the streets… I was “Home Schooled”

-Whats your favorite part about making music? 

Hitting the stage,, like its my drug. I love performing and feeling the peoples energy 

-When did you start saying BARS? 

It started out as a Joke between me and my inner circle. I did it on stage 1 day and 06 and the city been screaming it since haha! BARS!

-What are you currently working on? 

“Can I Live” Video,  FreeAgents Mixtape with Leigh Ashley,  Onasis Is Back Mixtape with Thee Untouchable, A BoomClick mixtape and a new Untitled Mixtape hosted by dis Dope D.j BiggAd 

-Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 

5 years.. running the rap game as T.Diamond 10 years? somewhere in Spain with a foreign chick 

-How do you balance fatherhood and your music career? 

Family First is how you balance it, cuz at the end of the day without them, I probably wouldn’t grind as hard as I do 

-What can we expect from T.Diamond in the near future? 

A Ohio Midwest takeover #NGC

-Biggie or Jay-Z? 


-What has been the most memorable experience for you in regards to your music career? 

Im not sure.. I think my most memorable is yet to come, I like to believe I have a bright future 

-What has been the highlight of your music career?

 I will say just the day to day love and recognition from the people, my city, Just hearing somebody bumped my music and felt it. 

-JoJo’s or Dexters?


-Wolverines or Buckeyes? 

HA! O State

-Would you ever crossover into any different genres of music?

I cant wait too! 

-Anything else you wanna tell your fans, listeners, viewers? 

Yo I love yall! and if you never believed or listened to anything I’ve said before believe and heed this…. NEVER GET COMFORTABLE.

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