Kapitol Kash {Print Interview} 2013

A.D. recently caught up with Brooklyn born rapper Kapitol Kash. Check out the interview below!

Kap Kash, wuts good fam?!?

A.D what it is my dude

How long you been doin’ this music thing homie?!

10 years long and strong…. pause

What would you say is your biggest inspiration to continue making music?!

The fun that I have with writing recording and performing it

Who are your top 5 rappers of all time in order?!

Hov, Big, Nas, Malice and Lupe Fiasco

What is your favorite song of yours?!

Brooklyn is Back is my current favorite record.

How has the game changed since you started rapping?

Today’s production is wayyy different, and production orchestrates the whole process so delivery, flow, and lyricism has made the change with that as well

What is the most memorable moment of your career?!

When I dropped “No Lie I’m Better Than All of Them” Great mixtape

Who do you like better Knicks or Nets, Jets or Giants, and Yankees or Mets?!

Brooklyn born, but it’s the Knicks win, lose, or draw. Blu York Giants, Yanks all day

Does being from New York give you a different perspective on rap than someone outside of the mecca?

Most definitely! Being from NY I believe originality and creativity comes before anything else. It’s a lot of carbon copies out here

Where did the name Kapitol Kash come from?!

Kash is actually a acroynm which means Kan anybody stop him Kapitol is the play with words to let you know that every letter is capitol

You do alot of recording at Smash Studios in the city…why do you like recording there so much?
Smash Studios has given me the best sound so far. The engineer Ben is a beast!!

You shot a video on the top floor of Smash Studios…how was tht experience for you?!

Great!! The video was made very quickly too. 15 minute shooting. Maybe 2 hour editing and posted in one day. Grind

You also recently had a performance at Smash Studios, what was that like for you?!

That last show was crazy. More people than I expected. There was a lot of love and support and everyone had a real good time.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?

My 5 year plan is this industry is to have a household name with 2-3 mainstream releases. Next 10… Successful, Healthy, basically anything but dead

If you could choose any artist to work with, who would it be and why?

A$AP Rocky. The kid is cool as fuck. Very talented and just like myself born to do this

Nas or Jay-Z?!

Nas and Jay-z

Biggie or Pac?!


Define 3rd Eye Neva Blind…

3rd Eye Neva Blind is a lifestyle which encourages the fans to keep your brain sharp

How has being from Brooklyn influenced your music?!

My sharp wit and experiences are all influenced by growing up in Crown Heights. St. Marks N.A 715 was the building. We aren’t your average group of human beings trust and believe that.

Well we appreciate you choppin’ it up with us at GroundSounds.com Kash, keep grindin’ and makin’ good music!

Same here A.D. keeping grinding as well my dude Ghetto Labs F.E.B 3rdENB we here!

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