Elmer Abapo – Wasting No Time ft. Nikko Dator

So this guy Elmer tweeted me a few days ago and I can’t lie it made my day. He sent a compliment my way that really made me feel what I do is recognized and appreciated. At the time I didn’t realize that he was an artist.

But once I saw his tweet and that he took the time to reach out I’m like let me see who this cat is. Come to find out he’s actually really good at his craft. And thats all it took was a simple tweet that probably took him thirty seconds to type out and now I’m hip and can post him here!

Anyways this was my favorite song of his that I heard once I stepped onto his website. It’s called “Wasting No Time.” It’s funny because thats something that I live by. Everything I do in some way or another is time efficient to some degree because I can’t stand to throw away time. It’s precious in so many ways to me.

What I thought was pretty dope is that they shot the video in the new IKEA out here in Vegas lol. Check it out, I promise it won’t be a waste of your time.