B. Rose – “HomeGirl”

B. Rose has a sound all the way her own especially here on the Vegas scene. There is NO ONE like her here which is tough to do in 2018 when you can’t tell anyone a part.

Her project “Homegirl” is incredible. She kicks things off with the song ‘Homegirl’ and completely sets the tone for the rest of the project.

Next up is “Scotch n Soda.” Before even listening to this record my attention was caught by the title itself. She brings a similar vibe of that to the first track on the EP; however, the hook sets it apart for sure. This is catchy in the perfect way.

B. Rose has a very clean sound if that makes sense. She is a very polished artist. The third track on the project is ‘More Than Beautiful’ and I love it. The ‘do do do do do’ parts are my favorite. Don’t laugh at how I described them lol.

The second half of “Homegirl” kicks off with ‘Hell If I Know.’ She slows things down on this one until about 60 seconds in. Then it picks up makes you think your an episode of the show STAR.

As if she hasn’t been taking us to church for the past 4 songs she definitely takes us there on ‘Church.’

B. Rose closes things up with ‘Champagne Taste’ which is oh so classy. This one really comes to life about 45 seconds in and is a very motivational record to say the least. It’s between this one and ‘Scotch n Soda’ for my favorites.

It’s tough to describe her sound which is a GREAT thing but if I had to compare her to someone it’d be a combination of Jill Scott & Marsha Ambrosius. It’s like a neo-soul mixed with with Adele. Anyways I love her sound, the project and what I feel my fellow waffle colored sista is representing. Press play below if your not already hip!